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.NET Course

Home ||  .NET Course

Core .Net

Introduction to .NET
  • Introduction of Language
  • Introduction of Web Application
  • Platform Dependence , Independence & Portability
  • Introduction of .NET Framework
  • Introduction of Compiler & MSIL
  • Introduction of CLR
  • Introduction of CLS, CTS, CLI

  • OOPs Implementation

    •  Encapsulation, Abstraction, Class & object
    •  Relation b/w objects and reference variables
    •  Method Overloading & Types of Methods
    •  Description of Memory blocks: Stacks, Heap & Class Area
    •  Constructors and Destructor & Garbage Collection
    •  Using Scope & Dispose Method
    •  Usage of this keyword
    •  Static Data members, Constructors & methods
    •  Relation & Implementing Has-A relation
    •  Implementing Is-A relation using Inheritance
    •  Method Overriding & Hiding
    •  Usage of Base keyword
    •  Static & Dynamic binding
    •  Runtime polymorphism and generalization
    •  Abstract classes & methods
    •  Interfaces and Role based Inheritance
    •  Usage of sealed, partial, out, ref, pram keyword
    •  Namespace
    •  Assembly & GAC
    •  Property & Indexer
    •  Windows Application
    •  Delegates & Event
    •  Event Handling
    •  Windows App. Component.
    Object class and its role
    String Handling
    •  String class & concept of Immutability
    •  Pool of String Constants & its use
    •  Common String operations
    •  Use of String Builder

    Exception Handling

    •  Difference b/w exception and error
    •  Exception Handling & Robustness
    •  Common Exceptions and Errors
    •  Try and catch block
    •  Exception handlers
    •  throw keyword and its usage
    •  Role of finally
    •  Exception Class Methods & properties
    •  Creating User defined Exceptions

    Multithreading in .NET
    •  Multitasking and Multithreading
    •  Process & thread
    •  States of Thread
    •  Thread based execution model of .NET Applications
    •  Implementing User threads
    •  Thread synchronization
    •  Inter Thread communication
    •  Thread Interrupting
    •  Daemon Threads and their use

    Input Output Streams

    •  Streams & their advantages over conventional input output
    •  Reading & writing data byte by byte, line by line, and in one go.
    •  Redirecting Standard input & output streams
    •  Serialization & Deserialization
    •  Serialization Formatter
    •  Xml Formatter
    •  Binary Formatter
    •  Soap Formatter
    •  Json Formatter
    •  File class and File System Interaction
    •  Zip & Unzip Files


    •  Understanding object representation of classes
    •  Loading classes dynamically
    •  Instantiating classes indirectly
    •  Obtaining information of classes dynamically
    •  Invoking methods indirectly
    •  Referencing data members indirectly
    •  Overriding access policy and referencing private members

    Collection Framework

    •  Role and Importance of Collection Framework
    •  Index Based Collection Array List, Stack, Queue
    •  Use Define Collection
    •  Map Based Collection Use of Key & Value pair (Entry)
    •  Hash Table, Sorted List
    •  Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree based collections
    •  Role of equals and hashCode() methods
    •  Role of Comparable interfaces
    •  Type safety and Generics
    •  Generic Collection
    •  List ,Stack ,Queue ,Dictionary ,Linked List ,Sorted List

    Database Connectivity Using ADO.NET
    •  Overview of Database & Database Server
    •  Introduction of SQL Server 2008
    •  DML & DDL Query
    •  Join , Trigger , Procedure & function
    •  Ado.NET API
    •  Connected Layer
    •  Connection, Command & Data Reader
    •  Disconnected Layer
    •  Adaptor, Data Set, Table, Row & Column
    •  ODBC, OLEDB, Oracle Client
    •  Connectivity with Oracle ,Access, Excel & MySql
    •  Connection Pooling

    Web Application Programming Using Asp.NET

    •  Web application architecture
    •  Static Web Page
    •  Application Life Cycle
    •  Dynamic Page
    •  Page Life Cycle & Event Method
    •  Html & Server Control
    •  Server Control Event Life Cycle
    •  State Management
    •  Url Rewriting, Hidden Form Field, View State, Session, Cookies & Application.
    •  Global class & Event Method
    •  Uploading & Downloading
    •  Page Directives
    •  Data Source
    •  SqlDataSource, XmlDataSource, SiteMapDataSource & ObjectDataSource
    •  Data Control
    •  DataList, DetailsView, FormView, GridView, ListView & Repeater
    •  Validation Control
    •  CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator & ValidationSummary
    •  Navigation
    •  Menu, SiteMapPath & TreeView
    •  Login Control & Membership
    •  Login, LoginName, LoginStaus, LoginView, PasswordRecovery, ChangePassword, CreateUserWizaed.
    •  Ajax Extensions
    •  ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, UpdateProgress & Timer
    •  Globelization & loclization
    •  Master Page & Style them
    •  Mail
    •  SMTP
    •  POP3


    •  Introduction of Networking
    •  Understanding socket and port
    •  Tcp Client & Tcp Listener
    •  TCP/IP based networking
    •  HTTP based networking
    •  HttpRequest
    •  HttpResponse

    •  Application Domain
    •  Remotable & NonRemotable Object
    •  Marshal-By-Reference
    •  ServerActivatedObject(SAO)
    •  SingleCall
    •  Singleton
    •  ClientActivatedObject
    •  Channels
    •  TcpChannal
    •  Service Configuration & Hosting
    Web Services
    •  Web Service Architectures
    •  Explaining how to control the way a .NET Framework object is serialized to XML.
    •  Describing the structures of a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) request and response.
    •  Consuming XML Web Services
    •  Explaining the structure of a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document.
    •  Explaining the Web services discovery process.
    •  Locating service contracts by using Disco.exe.
    •  Generating Web service proxies by using Wsdl.exe.
    •  Implementing a Web service consumer by using Visual Studio .NET.
    •  Invoking a Web service synchronously and asynchronously by using a Web service proxy
    •  Creating a Web service project.
    •  Implementing Web service methods, exposing them, and controlling their behavior.
    •  Managing state in an ASP.NET-based Web service.
    •  Debugging Web services.
    •  Explaining the role of UDDI in Web services.
    •  Publishing a Web service in a UDDI registry by using the UDDI SDK.
    •  Searching a UDDI registry to locate Web services by using the UDDI SDK.
    •  Explaining the various options for publishing a Web service on an intranet.
    •  Explaining some of the options for modifying the default configuration of a Web service.
    •  Explaining how to use the security mechanisms that Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Windows provide for authentication.
    •  Using SOAP headers for authentication in a Web service.
    •  Introduction to LINQ
    •  LINQ expressions
    •  Using via extension methods
    •  Filtering
    •  Sorting
    •  Aggregation
    •  Skip and Take operators
    •  Joins
    •  Extension methods
    •  Object initialization syntax
    •  Anonymous types
    •  Lambda expressions
    •  Deferred Execution
    •  Benefits and drawbacks
    •  IEnumerable vs IQueryable
    •  Using across tiers
    •  Data Projection
    •  Single result value
    •  Existing types
    •  Anonymous types
    •  Grouping
    •  LINQ to XML
    •  New XML classes
    •  Generating XML
    •  Querying XML
    •  Using data projection
    •  Combining with XPath
    •  LINQ to SQL
    •  Attributes and mapping
    •  Creating a DataContext
    •  Deferred loading
    •  Saving changes
    •  Inserts and deletes
    •  Transactions

    •  Wcf Framework
    •  Wcf ABC
    •  Wcf Address
    •  Wcf Binding
    •  Wshttp
    •  Basichttp
    •  Nettcp
    •  netPeertcp
    •  Msmq
    •  Wcf Contract
    •  Service Contract
    •  Operaton Contract
    •  Data Contract
    •  Service Hosting
    •  IIS Hosting
    •  Local host (Service Host)
    •  Broadcasting
    •  Messaging
    •  Data Base Servicing
    •  Wcftestclient tool
    •  Svcconfigeditor tool
    •  Svcutil Tool

    •  WPF Introduction
    •  Wpf Contorl
    •  Wpf Binding
    •  Style
    •  Template
    •  Trigger
    •  Navigation
    •  Data Binding
    •  Wcf & web Service Comunication

    •  Silverlight Intoduction
    •  Framework
    •  Component's
    •  Silverlight Control & Component Events
    •  Styles and Templates
    •  Using Sample Data
    •  Silverlight enabled WCF services
    •  Silverlight enabled Web services
    •  Working with Data
    •  Data Binding & Event
    •  File IO
    •  Out of Browser
    •  Uploading
    •  Downloading
    •  Threading
    •  Navigation
    •  Session Management
    •  Integration With ASP.NET

  • Project Description
  • Project Architecture
  • Project Conventions and Deliverables
  • Data sources, Work flows and Modules
  • Project Interface Design
  • Creating project prototype
  • Testing, Modification & Acceptance
  • Commencement of next Iteration
  • Testing, Modification & Acceptance…
  • Integration Testing and project deployment

  • Frameworks:

    •  Introduction to MVC3
    •  The Model-View-Controller Pattern
    •  Differences Between MVC and Web Forms Applications
    •  Building a Simple MVC Application with Visual Studio
    •  Working with Controllers and Actions
    •  Introduction to Controllers
    •  Using a Controller to Manage the Application
    •  Controller Actions
    •  Returning Action Results
    •  Creating MVC Models
    •  Data and Business Rules in MVC Applications
    •  Creating a Custom Data Model
    •  Data Validation and Data Annotations
    •  Using MVC Views
    •  Views in ASP.NET MVC
    •  Creating Views
    •  Adding Content to a View
    •  HTML Helpers and Action Filters
    •  Using HTML Helpers in MVC
    •  Creating a Custom Helper
    •  Using Action Filters
    •  Creating a Custom Filter
    •  Routing and URLs
    •  Customizing Application URLs
    •  Creating Route Constraints
    •  Routing and Web Forms
    •  Using MVC and AJAX and JQuery
    •  Integrating Client-Side Script with MVC
    •  Using the MVC AJAX Helpers
    •  Working with JSON Data
    Entity Framework
    •  The Entity in 'Entity Framework'
    •  Entity Framework Backend
    •  Entity Framework Features
    •  The EDM in the Designer Window
    •  Code Generation from EDM to Classes
    •  CSDL: The Conceptual Schema Definition Language
    •  SSDL: The Store Schema Definition Language
    •  Querying the Model
    •  LINQ to Entities Queries
    •  Entity SQL Queries
    •  EntityClient Queries
    •  Translation of Queries to Database Queries
    •  Cud Operation inEntity Framework
    •  How ObjectContext Manages Entities
    •  Adding New Entities
    •  Updating entities
    •  Deleting Entities
    •  Stored Procedure with EDM
    •  Adding Stored Procedures to the Model
    •  Working with Functions
    •  Implementing Functions
    •  Mapping Table
    •  Mapping Table per Type Inheritance
    •  Implementing Table per Hierarchy Inheritance
    •  Mapping Table per Concrete (TPC) Type Inheritance
    •  Using Entity Splitting to Map a Single Entity to More Than One Table
    •  Using Conditional Mapping
    •  Creating Complex Types
    •  Using DefiningQuery
    •  Deconstructing Relationships in the Entity Data Model
    •  Defining Relationships Between Entitie
    •  Introduction to ORM and NHibernate
    •  NHibernate Architecture
    •  NHibernate Configuration
    •  Introduction to Session and SessionFactory
    •  Persisting Object using NHibernate
    •  Inheritance Mapping
    •  Collection Mapping
    •  Bidirectional Association Mapping
    •  NHibernate Query Language

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